Borneo Highlands Resort
In the beginning of this year our client (Sarawak Energy) arranged a small team building called Borneo Highlands Resort Walking Challenge. I was the only one from our Norwegian company that attended. I saw it as a good opportunity to get to know some new people. It was a smart move because I met my Australian friend Colleen that day!
A bus picked us up from the office early in the morning and drove us to the gate at the foot of the mountain, on which the Borneo Highlands Resort is located. It is actually very close to the border to the Indonesian side of Borneo.
From the gate we started to walk uphill. The road is paved all the way to the top but some sections are very steep so it took a while to reach the top. Up on higher altitude the air is fresher and cooler and it was nice to escape from the warm and humid climate that is normal on Borneo
Up on the mountain we had lunch at Borneo Highlands Resort before we took a shuttle bus down to the gate.
Except for some small rainshowers it was a very nice day!

The gate where we started the Walking Challenge.

Some of my colleagues ready to start to walk.

It is an easy walk, the road is paved all the way up to the resort.

We thought that we had reached our goal when we saw this, but it was 30 minutes more to walk.
