My week with my family in northern Sweden ended with a weekend spent on the island Hindersön in Luleå archipelago. The trip to the archipelago was a surprise for my dad to celebrate his 60th birthday. Out on Hindersön we spent two nights at Jopikgården. Jopikgården is a charming place with an old fashion architecture.

On Saturday we rented bikes and went out for a sightseeing trip on the island. The weather was nice and sunny most of the time. We tried all the major roads on the island and discovered jettys, bays, beaches, ruins from the mining industry and boat houses. Whenever we found a nice beach we stopped for a swim in the sea.

In the evenings we enjoyed food from northern Sweden served at Jopikgården. I had heard before that they are famous for their excellent food and now I have to say that I definitely recommend their food! We had for example, caviar from Kalix with red onion and sour creme, smoked salmon, baked salmon with vegetables and cloudberry pairfait.

The evening ended in the wood fired bath tub were we could sit down, relax and enjoy chilled drinks and the quietness in the archipelago. It is a wonderful place and I hope I will have time to visit some other islands in Luleå archipelago in the future.
