Highlights in Sarawak

After 1.5 year in Sarawak I have many wonderful memories. Sarawak is a true beauty among the states in Malaysia. In this blog post I'm showing you some of the highlights from my time here.
Looking out over the misty rainforest early in the morning.
 Enjoying the view over the Indonesian side of Borneo at Borneo Highlands.
 Wildlife encounters in Bako National Park.
Sarawak Cultural Village.
A rafflesia flower in Gunung Gading National Park.
Kuching - my hometown for 1.5 year!
 Mulu National Park.
Witness a turtle laying eggs and releasing baby turtles into the sea at Satang Island.
Watching Sarawak regatta.
Orangutan encounters in Semenggoh National Park.
Spending time by the sea at Damai beach.
Enjoying a relaxing and luxury homestay at Village House in Santubong.


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