After having Afternoon Tea we went to the cinema to watch the movie Pompeii. The movie has not got very good critics in the newspaper, but I liked it.
As I have said before, I like movies and books that are based on true stories and this one is based on a major historical event. It's also interesting because I have been to Pompeii with my family and have seen what's left of the town and how close the vulcano Vesuvius actually is!

The entrance to the cinema at the Spring Shopping Mall.
In Sweden the famous ski race Vasaloppet was held today. My uncle, my brother and his girlfriend were participating. I have been following their progress the whole day on Vasaloppet's homepage where they provide live updates of all individual skiers!
It was exciting to follow them. My brother was the fastest of the three of them and finished in less than six hours, which gave him a well deserved medal! I'm very happy for him! :-) The conditions this year were far from perfect, with high temperatures and very little snow.
