
Last weekend it was time to travel up to the mountains again! This time we went to Rondane. We stayed two nights at Rondvassbu. The weather was a bit challenging this time, but we are always happy as long as it's not raining! It was cloudy, a bit foggy and lots of wind, but the weather will never stop us from being outdoor in the nature, hehehe... We had a fantastic weekend anyway and participated in the closing dinner for the season at Rondvassbu. The summer season 2014 is now officially over! See you next year Rondane. :-) We will be back!
Rondvassbu - our home for the weekend.
A beautiful waterfall.
My master chef is preparing lunch. Looks like it's total white out, but it's just a little bit foggy. No worries!
Lemmings! Cute but aggressive little fellows.
 Awww... So cute!
Hi there little fellow...
This stone hut was perfect for our lunch break!
The fog is coming in over the mountains...
The Peer Gynt cabin.
A proof that I was actually there!
Celebrating that we are living in the most beautiful country in the world!


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