So, what have I been doing since last time... Not that much actually. :-) I have been skiing a little. Together with some colleagues from work I went out on the annual "moonlight tour". During the tour we ski up to a cabin called Løvlia and back. We reached the cabin just before sunset and had dinner together, before skiing down to the parking lot again. The whole round trip is about 30 kilometers, so it's good excercise! This year the weather was perfect! The sky was clear and we were skiing in the moonlight on the way back.
I have also been skiing in Lillomarka, an area just outside Oslo. That was a nice sunday tour in sunny weather, with spectacular view over the lake Maridalsvannet.
My goal is to ski at least 100 kilometers this season. It shouldn't be that hard, I think I have done about 80 kilometers so far.