I was watching a Norwegian TV documentary some years ago, called something like "a place where no one thought someone would live". The episode I was watching was about a couple living on the island of Værøy in Lofoten, in northern Norway. Værøy is a beautiful island with a ferry connection to the mainland. Earlier the island had an airport, but in stormy weather there was an accident and the airport closed down.
The couple had bought the old airport terminal and was living there. The job opportunities are limited when you live on a remote island. The woman had a passion for chocolate and got the idea to start a small-scale chocolate factory called Lofoten Sjokolade. Since that day their business has expanded and now they are selling high quality handmade chocolate to a selection of stores and over the internet. I got curious when I heard about this and looked it up on my laptop. After reading about their little chocolate factory I decided to order some chocolate to support their business and of course taste the chocolate. I liked it a lot!
Last year I was having visitors over Christmas and decided to order some chocolate for myself and my guests. In the range of products I found a decorative wooden treasure chest filled with chocolate and a book about Lofoten. I liked the chest and thought it would fit nicely in my apartment, so I ordered one. I'm very happy with it and I look forward to read the book about Lofoten.
When you buy chocolate from Lofoten Sjokolade you also get a broschure with some photos from Værøy. The photos are so nice! I really want to travel to Lofoten soon. I was there more than ten years ago and the scenery was breathtaking. Next time I want to visit the remote Værøy.
