Time for Celebration!
The last couple of weeks have been really hectic. I have stayed up late in the evenings to do things that I don't have time for when Liam is awake. This has resulted in too little sleep. Hehe...
Liam has had problems with dry and itchy skin which made him wake up at night. He didn't sleep very well, poor litte guy. Now we have finally found a cream that works on him! His skin is a lot better. Now he is a soft and smooth baby and I can't stop hugging him. :-)

One other thing I have been busy with is selling my apartment. The process was very easy though, it was sold off marked. I showed it for one guy that I came in contact with through an estate agent. He liked it a lot and offered me a nice sum of money for it. I'm so happy, it was a lot more than I expected and I made a nice profit. I have bought a bottle of good champagne to celebrate it, but I want to wait until my darling is back at home from work.
I have also started to prepare for Liam's name giving party that will be held in May. I will tell you more about that later.
