
As some of you might know already we are looking for a new place to live at the moment. The place where we live is not big enough for our little family since we have only one bedroom. We want to give Liam his own room and mommy is really looking forward to decorate it for him. :-)
So far we have been viewing a couple of houses and we have also been bidding on three of them, without luck. There is always someone with more money than us that steals the house in front of our noses... :-( I hate the annoying feeling when you find something that you really want, with a lot of potential, and then you just can't get it. Frustration might be the word that describes it best, but you can't give up, you have to brush it off and try again. The only way to get a new house is to throw yourself into the competition again!
I'm so looking forward to decorate our new home! In the meantime I have to keep on dreaming while I'm reading my home decoration magazines.
Feathers and basket from Lene Bjerre, a Danish favourite. Candle holders from Iittala.


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